
WerecatWarrior's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 85 (From 26 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,590 Points

Tainted Olive - Chapter 1

Medals Earned: 3/3 (75/75 points)

Guiding light 25 Points

Receive the gem

Silvian the Rat-Catcher 25 Points

Find all five rats

To be continued 25 Points

Finish the game

The Hardest Pokémon Quiz Ever

Medals Earned: 2/9 (35/240 points)

20+ 25 Points

You got 20 or more right! You must be a fan!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Meh 5 Points

Try again! Next time you'll do better!

Were you even trying? 5 Points

You gotta do better than that!

10+ 10 Points

You got 10 or more right! Good job!

15+ 10 Points

You got at least half right! You sure know something.

25+ 50 Points

You got 25 or more right! You're a Pokémon Expert!

Perfect 100 Points

No questions were answered wrong. You're a Pokémon Master!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Hunt

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/65 points)

Threat 5 Points

A deathly forewarning

Oracle 10 Points

Premonition of imminent misfortune

Cursed 25 Points

A slave for all eternity

Demon 25 Points

An evil encounter

Toss the Turtle

Medals Earned: 7/20 (50/500 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Get skewered on spikes

Gold Star 5 Points

Launch the Turtle

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba

Novice 5 Points

Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)

Amateur 10 Points

Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

Harrasment 10 Points

Crush an angry ground creature

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

in Space 10 Points

Reach space

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

Abducted 25 Points

Get caught by a UFO

Icarus 25 Points

Get burned by a sun

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Professional 25 Points

Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Addicted 50 Points

Play over 2 hours

Golden Shell 50 Points

Buy everything

Master 50 Points

Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)

Traveler 50 Points

Total over 1 million feet

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)

Wacky Wizard Escape: Village

Medals Earned: 1/1 (50/50 points)

Escape! 50 Points


ZS Dead Detective - Pumpkin Head

Medals Earned: 1/2 (50/150 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!